A responsive website, to purchase vinyl.
The Vinyl Cue aims to simplify the vinyl shopping experience, and help make record-collecting more accessible.
Shop from your studio, or browse on your commute home. Discovering a new classic has never been more easy or enjoyable.
Our goal is to be the essential platform to discover and purchase new vinyl.
Simple and secure, direct shipping and optimized for mobile support.
This is a project from my CareerFoundry’s
UI Design Certificate Program.
Style & Culture
Intuitive Easy to use on all devices.
Authentic Represent the art as intended.
User-Focused Prioritize the essential needs.
Contemporary Design
Modern and clean. Sleek and compact.
Dark, with a focused-use of lines and color.
Our Community & Culture
We are all about celebrating amazing art.
Vinyl is the medium we just love the most.
We respect the beliefs and culture of all of our artists. Discrimination is not tolerated.
Colors & Typography
The sites contemporary design falls to the background, letting the art shine through.
We felt like a hint of gold, over a dark moody backdrop; is inline with that train of thinking.
We wanted fonts with a classic feel, with a bit of softness.
The striking bold profile, with the curved edges, were the perfect pairing.
Logo & usage
LOGO Guidelines
TVC Acronym Sized for Mobile
Isolated Logo Centered, Padding
Enclosed Logo Rectangle, Thin Stroke
No Light Contrast, No Inverted Logo
No Attached Images, No Gimmicks
No Round Logo, No Billiard’s Cue Balls
Sketch Logo Printed media, merchandise, and larger format usage only. No inverted logos.
Image & Writing Style
Our voice is passionate and approachable.
We are respectful of the artists, promote without bias; and are active in the community.
flow chart & wireframes
Optimizing the shopping experience.
Intuitive navigation, mobile optimization, and clear costs of goods; was the focus.
prototype & user testing
Testing of the initial prototypes went well.
There were a few oversights to correct,
as well as trends that completed the design.
After reviewing the feedback:
Here are the few revisions, I had to address.
final prototypes
Here are the final screens for the project.
This was a flash project,
I spent about a week, from beginning to end.
This is a project from my CareerFoundry’s
UI Design Certificate Program.
Completed April 2023.